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Time Diary

    Throughout the past four days, I have analyzed my social media use on a daily basis. Utilizing my phone's screen time feature, I am able to view incredible insights into my digital interactions with these apps as well as my personal dependence and common times on the apps. My most frequently used app daily is , as that is how I primarily communicate with my friends. On average, I am on this app for about 1 hour and 30 minutes a day. Following first place, comes TikTok, iMessage, and Instagram- all with slightly less than a 1 hour time of use daily. I typically have about 5 hours of screen time a day, however I often accidentally leave my phone idle and on while not looking which may account for an increased amount of screen time. My most common hours of use are during the day time, typically before or after my classes. This is often when I am connecting with friends to make plans to study or get lunch. These means explain why Snapchat and iMessage consume the majority of my scr

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